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Protect all of your data. Never pay a ransom. Sleep easier at night.


Price notes:

Infrascale Cloud Backup
Contract Term- 1 month
per TB Price
Our Price: $176.00
Contract Term- 12 month
per month per TB Price
Our Price: $158.00
Contract Term- 24 month
per month per TB Price
Our Price: $150.00
Contract Term- 36 month
per month per TB Price
Our Price: $141.00



Infrascale Cloud Backup is an enterprise-grade direct-to-cloud backup solution that protects servers, desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, all in one solution.

Anomaly detection alerts

Anomaly detection alerts if any of your devices has been potentially encrypted by ransomware.


Protection for all of your data and devices from mobile phones to Microsoft Exchange servers. Automated boot verification of backup jobs..

Encryption and geo-location

Encryption, geo-location, and remote wipe features to protect your data and eliminate data loss.


Infrascale offers a cloud backup solution, which includes Anomaly Detection, to alert you when the number of “new” or “changed” files dramatically changes from the established benchmark levels. Anomaly Detection provides an important early warning system to quickly isolate a ransomware infection and allow you to recover important data before the entire network freezes.


Protect all of your data, no matter where it roams. Infrascale Cloud Backup is a direct-to-cloud backup solution that protects desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and servers.

Goodbye Licensing Headaches

Pay per terabyte, not per device. You can protect an unlimited number of devices.

Geolocation for the Pros

Easily locate lost or stolen devices. Keep calm and carry on.

Remote Wipe

If any of your protected devices gets lost or stolen, you can easily delete business critical data with push-button ease.


Wouldn’t it be great to get reliable backup and extra security in the same solution? Done and done. Infrascale Cloud Backup goes beyond basic encryption so you can move to the cloud with confidence.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an additional layer of security to verify that only your admin can access your backup data.

Triple Layer Encryption

Triple Layer Encryption

Infrascale use private key encryption along with double-blind encryption so only you can view or decrypt your data in the cloud. They call it Ultrasafe.

Compliant Cloud

Compliant Cloud

Infrascale realize compliance is critical, and require the most robust security and compliance requirements.


Protect All of Your Data

With so many untethered laptops and mobile devices, IT is challenged with protecting distributed data. Infrascale Cloud Backup supports the most popular operating systems and protects servers, workstations, laptop fleets, and mobile devices.

ForeverSave Archive

Infrascale is a true archive and can be used to free up space on your local hard drives and meet your data retention mandates. Infrascale lets you choose your own data retention periods for certain versions and we’ll auto-delete files from the archive once they hit their retention expiration.

Anomaly (Ransomware) Detection

Infrascale Cloud Backup includes Anomaly Detection that proactively notifies you when the changed file count surpasses a specified threshold. These early warnings can limit the amount the damage inflicted by ransomware while also pinpointing the time of infection.

Security & Encryption

Infrascale encrypt files with AES 256 bit encryption before being transferred over a secure SSL (AES 256 bit) to one of our top-tier data centers. They also encrypt your data at rest within our data centers. For added security and privacy, Infrascale offer UltrasafeMAX, an exclusive, double blind encryption method that gives you, and only you, access to decrypt data.

Trust in the Cloud

By backing up your information to the cloud you can easily access, manage, and recover your data from any device via our online web portal -- log in from any browser, even your tablet or smartphone.

Road Warriors & Branch Offices

For many IT organizations, protecting mobile devices and laptops for remote users and branch offices is a major headache. With Infrascale Cloud Backup, you can protect all of your data - - no matter where it resides.


Mass Deployment

Mass Deployment

You can mass deploy backup agents to branch office laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. You can even integrate your deployment with Active Directory to automatically create accounts.

Set up Monitoring Alerts

Setup Monitoring Alerts

Create alerts to show errors, warnings, successes, missed backups, anomalies, or any combination of these. Proactive alerts will save you time and ensure all of your organization’s data and devices are protected.

Test A Recovery

Test a Recovery

With Infrascale Cloud Backup, you can recover files and folders, even entire images, in seconds. With unlimited testing, you can even run as many test recoveries as you’d like.

Supported Systems


Windows Win 7 and up
Windows Server 2008 (SP2) and up
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and up
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, 2013


OS X 10.8 and up


volumes supported by network-mapping to a PC or Mac


Android 2.2 and up
iOS 7.0 and up


Download the Infrascale Cloud Backup Datasheet (PDF).